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About Me

- temporary allegiance
- Flagg på vvork
- BLACK FLAGS blogpost
- band fonts
- urban fonts
- lair 2000
- ascii
- defying reality in cyber reality
- danah boyd
- the memes of production
- web ecology project
- devin
- blog post about semionaut
- emoticon ;-)
- intervju jimmie durham
- upside/down converter unicode
- mathematical symbols
- list of unicode charcters
- nature gifz
- landscapes wallpaper cellphone
- nature in wood etc
- phenomenica blog
- spirit of a northern people
- how stuff works - totem poles
- inquiry stave totems
- womend and tech totems
- ancient symbolism - peace
- the forbidden knowledge
- holisticshop
- goddess realm - animal totems
- animal symbolism - many cultures
- fin damer
- mayan hieroglyphs
- memes speech
- purplehell
- hieroglyphs
- árran - sami culture and news blog
- wikipedia hieroglyf
- skaidi
- ask men
- alt
- memetics - the selfish gene
- hugh pearman
- sami duodji
- comatonse recordings
- melting the ice
- emaki visual language
- semiotics
- first people
- hallman
- Northern-Tradition Shamanism
- jiro olcott blogg
- kanosh valley stone
- blue ribbon pet products
- guineapigs and the people who love them
- koder
- ancient scripts - maya
- nord russia megalith
- Samisk ordboks- og terminologiportal
- samisk ordbok
- rainbow lines
- Ánde Somby
- mayan hieroglyphs