
picasso// de kooning // skype

Lets do it again!!! (soon)

.:.@.*~*666++**☼:1♥ Marthe Elise



The National Telegraphic Review and Operators Guide in April 1857
documented the use of the number 73 in Morse
code to express "love and kisses" (later reduced to the more formal
"best regards"). Dodge's Manual in 1908 documented the
reintroduction of "love and kisses" as the number 88.


1337 speak

A language in which numbers and symbols are put together to look like letters. Some people create their own 1337 letters and it makes them look more 1337 by fellow 1337-speakers. Here is an alphabet of 1337 letters I know and have created:

A: 4 or l\ or ^ or @ or /\ or /-\
B. l3 or 8 or ß or ]3 or l:
C: ( or < or © or ¢
D: l) or l> or ])
E:3 or £
F: l= or # or ƒ
G:6 or 9
H: # or l-l or (-) or !-! or }-{ or }{ or l+l or )+( or !+! or }+{
I: 1 or ! or ]
J: _l or _/
K: l< or l( or l{ or l<=
L: 1 or ! or ]
M: l\/l or /\/\ or l\l\ or ^^
N: l/l or /\/
O: 0 or () or <> or * or ø or Ó or °
P: l* or l> or |D or l^ or l+
Q:& or (\) or
R: l2 or ®
S: 5 or $ or §
T:+ or 7
U: l_l or /_/
V: \/
W:|/\| or \/\/ or |/\/ or \/\|
X: >< or }{ or :-:
Y: ¥
Z: 2
()/\/\9  7^l+l+  15  7)-( 3  1337 #l\:-:<>l2 1 +()l_l>  ¥ <>* ^l3°l_l+  /\/\3}-{ #1213l/ll>!!!1!!11!1!! )+(3  |D\l\/l/l2.

ranslation:Oh my god that is the leet hacker I told you about my friend! He owns.

